class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Unleash Shiny ## R/Pharma - Advanced Shiny Workshop ### David Granjon (Novartis) & John Coene (Opifex) ### 10-10-2021 --- <style> .title-slide { background-image: url(assets/img/bg/front_cover.jpg); background-size: cover; } </style> # About us[ .w-50.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/david.jpg" height=400 /> .f5[David] .small[Data Scientist at Novartis] .gray[@divadnojnarg] ] .w-50.mr3[ <img class="br-100" src="assets/img/people/john.jpg" height=400/> .f5[John] .small[Software Engineer at Opifex] .gray[@jdatap] ] ] --- # Program We're in for 2 hours of **fun**! - Grab a ☕ - Make yourself comfortable 🛋 or 🧘 - Ask questions ❓ 1. Introduction __5 min__ 2. Bundling with packer __15 min__ 3. Project Setup __10 min__ 4. _Break_ __5 min__ 5. Framework 7 __60 min__ 6. _Break_ __5 min__ 7. R model __10 min__ 8. Echarts.js (Homework) 9. Questions --- # Workshop Material - Slides: []( Clone this repository with the RStudio IDE or via the command line. ```bash git clone cd unleash-shiny-2021 ``` Then run `renv::restore()` to install the dependencies. Importantly, this workshop makes heavy use of npm (Node's Package Manager), it comes with the installation of node.js: - You can manually install node.js: []( - You can also use package managers: []( --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/intro.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> Introduction </h3> --- class: header_background # Intro - Developing custom design for Shiny takes __too much__ time ... - `{shinyMobile}` development `>=` 2 years ... - What if you are already know a bit of HTML/CSS/JS? - Relies on existing web templates to save time. - Focus on app features. .center[ <img src="assets/img/undraw_Time_management_re_tk5w.svg" width="25%" /> ] --- # Workshop objectives - Setup rigorous R package structure for your app with {golem}. - Learn how to use modern web stack tools like webpack to maintain your R/JS package with {packer}. - Learn how R (server) and JS (client) communicate to exchange data. - Learn modular JavaScript basics. - Learn basics of JSX. - Design awesome user interface with external template. .center[ <img src="assets/img/undraw_Goals_re_lu76.svg" width="25%" /> ] --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/packer.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary" style="position:absolute;top:1rem;"> Managing JavaScript </h3> --- class: header_background ## Pre-processing JavaScript ### Why? ### What? --- # Code Management Large projects are complex, the developer needs help Use something that enforces good practice and project structure. .pull-left[ __In R__ - Build a package - Use [drake]( - Use [targets]( ] .pull-right[ __In JavaScript__ There is nothing such---built-in---we work with loose collections of files. ] --- class: center # Browser Support ✅ R code written in `4.0.0` will (likely) run on `3.0.0`+ 💀 JavaScript not so much. ](assets/img/es6.png) ES6 [released June 2016]( --- # Code Size Code size matters in JavaScript: the smaller the file the faster it loads. .pull-left[ ### Input Can be written and read by a human. ```js function addOne(xyz){ return xyz + 1; } addOne(2); ``` ] .pull-right[ ### Minified Loads faster but can't be written or read by a human. ```js function addOne(n){return n+1}addOne(2); ``` ] --- ## Conclusion We need to pre-process the code to: - Minify it for performances - Transpile to ensure it runs an (nearly) all browsers - Be able to setup code management It does not end here. _Pre-processing enables even more._ --- # Dependency Management No packages system with JavaScript but there is one for node.js---Node's Package Manager (NPM)---that can be used when __preprocessing__ the code. .pull-left[ __MANUAL__ ```html <script src="file1.js"></script> <script src="file2.js"></script> <script src="file3.js"></script> ``` 👎 Difficult to manage. ] .pull-right[ __NPM__ ```bash npm install dplyr ``` then ```js import { mutate } from 'dplyr'; ``` 👍 Easy to manage. ] --- class: center ## Tree-shaking Checking for dead variables. ## Code checks Discover errors when you write the code, not when you run it. __And so much more...__ --- class: header_background ## Downside 1. There are a variety of tools to do the job (webpack, Grunt, Parcel, etc.) 2. They are generally difficult to set up. 3. They're not designed to work with R in mind. --- class: center # Meet packer! <img src="" height="200px" /> []( --- class: center, centerize # Principles Anything packer-related takes places in a 📦 __Does not__ become a dependency to what you're building It aspires to be a specialised {[usethis](}: automate tasks when building packages __with JavaScript.__ --- class: header_background # Using packer Set it up first. 1. Create a package (or {[golem](} app) 2. Scaffold Then write some code and bundle with `packer::bundle()`, which produces the JavaScript code. --- # Scaffolds? Scaffolds are central to packer. They create the necessary structure to use webpack and npm __with R.__ - Golem - use packer with {golem} - Htmlwidgets - use packer to create {htmlwidgets} - Extensions - create shiny extensions (handlers) - Inputs - create custom inputs - Outputs - create custom outputs - And a few more. e.g.: ```r packer::scaffold_golem() ``` _The term "scaffold" was blatantly stolen from `htmlwidgets::scaffoldWidget`._ --- # Bundle? Source code is written in `./srcjs` and is bundled to `./inst` ```r packer::bundle() ``` --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/setup.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> Project Setup </h3> --- class: header_background # Intro - Develop a simple app utilizing a cutting edge web template (Framework7). - This app will consist in: - A JS powered select input controlling a variable. - A visualization powered by `{ggplot2}` - Homework: replace `{ggplot2}` by JS driven visualization. .center[ <img src="assets/img/undraw_working_remotely_jh40.svg" width="50%" /> ] --- # Scaffold Framework7 🚀🚀🚀 .pull-left[ We call: ```r packer::scaffold_golem(framework7 = TRUE) ``` Sets a Framework7 compatible structure for `{golem}`: - Install __npm__ dependencies. - JS assets folder `./srcjs`. - __Loaders__ for CSS, JS, JSX ... - Config for __webpack__. - So that you don't have to worry too much. ] .pull-right[ <img src="assets/img/packer-f7-scaffold.png" width="100%" /> ] --- # Test it 🥼 This is a very basic app but it works well. ```r packer::bundle() pkgload::load_all() run_app() ``` Bad news ... it is time for the ... --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/break.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> Break! </h3> <p class='primary absolute white' style='bottom:2rem;'> See you in 5 minutes. </p> --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/f7.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> Framework 7 </h3> --- class: header_background # Intro <br> .pull-left[ - First class __mobile__ template for the web. - __Native__ look and feel for iOS and Android - Progressive web app (PWA) support. - ... also works for desktop apps 😏 ] .pull-right[ <img src="assets/img/framework7.svg" width="100%" /> ] --- .pull-left[ <div class="md-iphone-5 md-black-device" id="singleLayoutDemo" style="font-size: 0.5em; margin-top: 20px; !important;"> <div class="md-body"> <div class="md-buttons"></div> <div class="md-front-camera"></div> <div class="md-top-speaker"></div> <div class="md-screen"> <iframe width="100%" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="470px"></iframe> </div> <button class="md-home-button"></button> </div> </div> ] .pull-right[ <div class="md-iphone-5 md-white-device" id="tabLayoutDemo" style="font-size: 0.5em; margin-top: 20px; !important;"> <div class="md-body"> <div class="md-buttons"></div> <div class="md-front-camera"></div> <div class="md-top-speaker"></div> <div class="md-screen"> <iframe width="100%" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="465px"></iframe> </div> <button class="md-home-button"></button> </div> </div> ] --- # Import Framework7 and CSS 👩🏫 Inside the main `./srcjs/index.js`. .pull-left[ - Notice how CSS is imported. - Requires style/css loaders. - __Modular__ approach: import only what is required. - __Lighter__ JS bundle. - __Faster__ app. ] .small.pull-right[ ```js // Import Framework7 import Framework7 from 'framework7'; // Import Framework7 Styles import 'framework7/framework7-bundle.min.css'; ``` ] --- # Layout basics 👩🏫 This part is handled by __app_ui.R__. .pull-left[ Framework7 requires an `index.html` script: - `<div id="app"></div>` is the app __root__ required for initialization. - `index.js` the script generated with `{packer}` after bundling. - `golem_add_external_resources()` fills the `<!-- Head content ... -->` . ] .small.pull-right[ ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Head content ... --> </head> <body> <!-- App root element ... --> <div id="app"></div> <!-- Path to Framework7 JS--> <script type="text/javascript" src="www/index.js"></script> </body> </html> ``` ] --- # App template 👩🏫 .pull-left[ The simplest Framework7 [layout]( is composed of: - The __app__ wrapper with __unique id__ required for initialization. - A single __auto-initialized__ view. - A page with: - navbar (top). - toolbar (bottom). - page content (middle). ] .small.pull-right[ ```html <div id="app"> <div class="view view-main view-init safe-areas"> <div class="page"> <!-- navbar --> <!-- toolbar --> <div class="page-content"></div> </div> </div> </div> ``` ] --- # HTML + JS: welcome JSX 👩🏫 __Combine__ HTML and JavaScript code in the same file. .small.pull-left[ ### Without JSX ```html <template> <div class="title" innerHTML=${title}></div> </template> <script> export default (props) => { const title = 'Hello World'; return $render; } </script> ``` 👎 Difficult to manage. ] .small.pull-right[ ### With JSX ```jsx export default () => { const title = 'Hello World'; return () => ( <div class="title">{title}</div> ) } ``` 👍 easy to manage. ] --- # JSX in RStudio ⚠️ - RStudio is not a web development oriented IDE. - JSX appears as text file. - You may change it to JavaScript. .center[ <img src="assets/img/rstudio-js-highlight.png" width="50%" /> ] --- # About Framework7 components 👩🏫 .pull-left[ - [Components]( have 2 default parameters: - __props__ gather all passed __attributes__. - __context__ provides access to: - The app instance `$f7`. - More [here]( - Components: - must return a __render__ function. - can be self-closed. ] .small.pull-right[ ```html <Component user="David" id="compo"/> ``` ```jsx const Component = (props, context) { const greetings = 'Hello ' + props.user; // render function return () => ( <h1>{greetings}</h1> ) } ``` ] --- # Main app component 👩🏫 `{packer}` created `app.f7.jsx`. .pull-left[ - The whole app can be a [component](! - Very similar to other tools like [React]( or [Vue]( ] .xsmall.pull-right[ ```jsx export default (props, { $f7 }) => { const title = 'Hello World'; return () => ( <div id="app"> <div class="view view-main view-init safe-areas"> <div class="page"> <!-- navbar ... --> <!-- toolbar ... --> <div class="page-content"> <div class="block strong"> Page Content </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ) } ``` ] --- # Initialize App instance 👩🏫 The remaining of `./srcjs/index.js`: .pull-left[ - Initializes the app instance: - Targets __app__ id. - Sets custom theme. - Plugs the App component in the __component__ slot. - Many other options available ... ] .pull-right[ ```js // ... Other imports ... import App from './components/app.f7.jsx'; let app = new Framework7({ el: '#app', theme: 'ios', // specify main app component component: App }); ``` ] --- # Customize app: your turn 🥼 - Within `let app = new Framework7({ ... })`: - Change the __theme__ to `md` (see [doc]( - In `./R/app_ui.R`: - Add `theme-dark` class to the `body` tag. - Add `color-theme-***`, where `***` is a color from [here]( --- # About the Framework7 smartSelect 👩🏫 It's time to add an extra component. .pull-left[ - Improved `selectInput()`. - Triggered by `a` element. - `select` contains multiple `option` tags. - `select` is followed by a label tag. ] .xsmall.pull-right[ ```html <div class="list"> <ul> <!-- Smart select item --> <li> <!-- Additional "smart-select" class --> <a href="#" class="item-link smart-select"> <!-- select --> <select name="fruits"> <option value="apple" selected>Apple</option> ... </select> <!-- Select label --> </a> </li> </ul> </div> ``` ] --- # Widget element (1/6): your turn 🥼 .pull-left[ - Open `./srcjs/index.js`. - Between CSS import and the app initialization, add the following code. - We also import `Sheet` since smartSelect needs it to open. ] .pull-right[ ```js // ./srcjs/index.js // Install F7 Components using .use() method on class: import Sheet from 'framework7/esm/components/sheet/sheet.js'; import smartSelect from 'framework7/esm/components/smart-select/smart-select.js'; Framework7.use([Sheet, smartSelect]); ``` ] --- # Widget element (2/6): your turn 🥼 .pull-left[ - Create a new `./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx` component. - Copy the preliminary code. - Replace __ID__ and __LABEL__ by the relevant __props__ elements. - Don't change `data-open-in="sheet"`. ] .xsmall.pull-right[ ```jsx // ./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx export default (props, { $f7 }) => { return () => ( <div class="list"> <ul> <li> <a class="item-link smart-select smart-select-init" id=ID data-open-in="sheet"> <select name=ID> </select> <div class="item-content"> <div class="item-inner"> <div class="item-title">LABEL</div> </div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> ) } ``` ] --- # Widget element (3/6): your turn 🥼 .pull-left[ - Import the widget in the main app component. - Don't forget that `widget.f7.jsx` and `app.f7.jsx` are in the same folder. - Fill in the `___`. ] .small.pull-right[ ```jsx // ./srcjs/components/app.f7.jsx import ___ from '___'; export default (props, { $f7 }) => { // code omitted ... return () => ( <div id="app"> ... </div> ) } ``` ] --- # Widget element (4/6): your turn 🥼 Let's add some `<option>` to the `<select>` tag... .pull-left[ 1. Create select options: - Create a `names` array containing `wt`, `hp` and `qsec` strings. - Map over each array element to build an `<option>` array. 2. Update render function: - Add the newly created elements to `<select>`. Fill in the `___`. ] .xsmall.pull-right[ ```jsx // ./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx export default (props, { $f7 }) => { // (1) const names = [___]; const selectOptions = (name) => { let isSelected = name === 'wt'? true: false; return( <option key={___} value={___} selected={___}> {___} </option> ); } ) // (2) return () => ( // other tags are not shown <select name=ID> {___} </select> ) } ``` ] --- # Widget element (5/6): your turn 🥼 Let's send the selected value to Shiny (1/2). .pull-left[ 1. Create `getSelectValue`: - Give it an __id__ parameter. - Smart select __instance__ is recovered with `$f7.smartSelect.get()` method. - Smart select value obtained with `instance.getValue()`. - Call the relevant Shiny JS method to set the input value. ] .small.pull-right[ ```jsx // ./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx export default (props, { $f7 }) => { // ... code from previous step ... // Recover select value const getSelectValue = (id) => { let select = $f7.smartSelect.get('#' + ___); Shiny.___(___, select.getValue()); }; // render function return () => (...) } ``` ] --- # Widget element (6/6): your turn 🥼 Let's send the selected value to Shiny (2/2). .pull-left[ 2. In the component render function: - Add an `onChange` prop to the `<a>` element. - `onChange` triggered each time a new value is selected. - Inside `onChange`, call `getSelectValue` with relevant __ID__ parameter. - Sends it to Shiny with `Shiny.setInputValue`. ] .small.pull-right[ ```jsx // ./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx export default (props, { $f7 }) => { // ... code from previous step ... // render function return () => ( // Other tags are not shown <a class="item-link smart-select smart-select-init" onChange={() => ___(ID)} id=ID data-open-in="sheet"> ... // ommitted since unchanged </a> ) } ``` ] --- # Test it 🥼 .pull-left[ - Open `./R/app_server.R`. - Add this code, replacing __ID__ by what you chose JS side. - Input does not have initial value... ] .pull-right[ ```r # Inside ./R/app_server.R observeEvent(input$<ID>, { message(sprintf("Slider value: %s", input$<ID>)) }) ``` ```r packer::bundle() pkgload::load_all() run_app() ``` ] --- # Test it 🥼 ```r packer::bundle() pkgload::load_all() run_app() ``` 🏆 Congrats! You designed your first component. Let's improve it by adding some R logic. --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/break.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> Break! </h3> <p class='primary absolute white' style='bottom:2rem;'> See you in 5 minutes. </p> --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/model.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> R Model </h3> --- class: header_background # Intro - Simple regression model with the `mtcars` dataset and `{ggplot2}`. - One variable is selected from JS with newly designed custom widget. - Formula `lm(mpg ~ input$var, mtcars)`. --- # R business logic: your turn 🥼 .pull-left[ - Open `./R/app_server.R`. - Fill in the `___` and `...`. ] .pull-right[ ```r output$plot <- renderPlot({ ggplot( data = ___, mapping = aes(x = mpg, y = .data[[___]]) ) + geom_...() + geom_smooth() }) ``` ] That's all folks! --- # Insert the plot 🥼 .pull-left[ - `output$plot` works by pair with `renderPlot("plot")` ... - but ... we can't insert the plot as R code inside `app_ui.R`. - Don't forget that Shiny is just creating HTML from R. ] .pull-right[ In the R console, run: ```r plotOutput("plot") ``` which yields: ```html <div id="id" class="shiny-plot-output" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div> ``` Insert this in `./srcjs/components/app.f7.jsx`. ] --- # Improve the design 🥼 - Explore the Framework7 __card__ container [documentation]( - Include the previous plot in the container of your choice. - Recompile the JS code and run the app. .center[ <img src="assets/img/undraw_design_stats_ne2k.svg" width="40%" /> ] --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/echarts.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> Homework: Echarts.js </h3> --- class: header_background # Intro - Replace the previous `{ggplot2}` chart by JS code. - We'll have to send data from R to JS. Communication done through the __websocket__. .pull-left[ - R side: - **`sendCustomMessage`** sends R messages to JS. - JS side: - `Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler` receives message from `session$sendCustomMessage`. Both are linked by the **type** parameter ] .pull-right[ <img src="assets/img/shiny-custom-message.png" width="100%" /> ] --- # echarts assets .pull-left[ - Install echarts and echarts-gl. - Import JS assets in `./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx`. - Review the echarts [documentation]( ] .pull-right[ ```r packer::npm_install( c( "echarts", "echarts-gl" ), scope = "prod" ) ``` ```js // Import plotting library import * as echarts from 'echarts'; import 'echarts-gl'; ``` ] --- # echarts plotting strategy .pull-left[ - Create a DOM container for the plot. - Initialize the plot container. - Set plot options. - Update plot instance. ] .xsmall.pull-right[ ```html <div id="plot" style="width:100%; min-height:400px;"></div> ``` ```js let chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('plot')); myChartOptions = { title: { text: 'Plot title' }, legend: { data:[...] }, xAxis: { data: ...}, yAxis: { type: ... }, series: [ { name: ..., type: ..., data: ... }, // other data ] }; myChart.setOption(myChartOptions); ``` ] --- # Process R data .pull-left[ - Create a new `./R/process.R` script. - `process_data()` selects the relevant column based on a given parameter. - Fill in the `___`. ] .small.pull-right[ ```r process_data <- function(parm, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) { data_subset <- list(mtcars$mpg, mtcars[[___]]) names(data_subset) <- c("mpg", parm) processed_data <- list( data = ___, var = ___ ) session$sendCustomMessage("model_data", ___) } ``` ] --- # Add Shiny .pull-left[ - In `./R/app_server.R`, add an `observeEvent()` to trigger `process_data()` based on the select input value (JS side). - Comment out the old `{ggplot2}` code. - In `./srcjs/components/app.f7.jx`, remove the `shiny-plot-output` class from the plot container. ] .pull-right[ ```r observeEvent(___, { ___(___) }) ``` ] --- # Recover R data (1/4) .pull-left[ - Inside `./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx` create a new `renderPlot` function, right after the widget component. ] .small.pull-right[ ```js // ./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx export default (props, { $f7 }) => { // ... renderPlot(); return () => (...) } const renderPlot = () => { // JS logic } ``` ] --- # Recover R data (2/4) .pull-left[ - Inside `renderPlot` function: - Add `shiny:connected` event listener. - Initialize the echarts plot instance. - Copy and paste the resize event to handle plot resize. ] .small.pull-right[ ```js // ./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx let plot; $(document).on('shiny:connected', () => { // prepare echarts plot plot = echarts.___(document.getElementById(___)); }); // Resize event $(window).on('resize', function() { plot.resize(); }); ``` ] --- # Recover R data (3/4) .pull-left[ - Add `Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler` to capture the message sent from R. - A R list translates into a JS object. - Fill in the `___`. ] .pull-right[ ```js //./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx let plotOptions, p, data; Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler(___, (___) => { p = message.var; data = message.___; }); ``` ] --- # Recover R data (4/4) .pull-left[ - In the same message handler, set plot options. - Apply options to the plot instance. - Fill in the `___`. ] .small.pull-right[ ```js // ./srcjs/components/widget.f7.jsx plotOptions = { title: { text: 'Plot' }, tooltip: {}, legend: { data:['mpg', p] }, xAxis: { data:[___] }, yAxis: { type: 'value' }, series: [ { name: p, type: 'scatter', data:[___] } ] } ___.setOption(___); ``` ] --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/question.png') background-size: cover <h3 class="primary absolute bottom center"> Questions? </h3> --- class: break center middle background-image: url('assets/img/bg/undraw_winners_ao2o.svg') background-size: cover